Coming Up With Strong Dissertation Titles On Law: 10 Suggestions

It is possible for you to come up with some really good titles on law. This is something that you can do within a short time. You will need to think about how to go through this, because at times you do not have as much time as possible to find a good title. You can actually get help online and figure out some secrets to coming up with really good topics.

One of the most important lessons that you will learn as a student is the fact that when you are faced with some of these tasks, it is always a good thing for you to be able to come up with a title in record time.

You can look at the structure of some of the topics herein and realize how easy it is to come up with a good one. The following are some good ideas that will work for you in the event that you are asked to come up with a topic that you can use in a very short time:

  1. Discuss the role of the ICC in legal proceedings in different countries
  2. Explain the role of the court process in passing rulings on electoral disputes
  3. Discuss how the rule of law can be oppressed by a constitution
  4. Discuss how the concept of presidents being above the law contributes to oppression and contravenes the legal rights of citizens
  5. Explain the importance of the highest court of appeal in the country
  6. Citing relevant examples, discuss 5 cases where legal proceedings helped avert a possible crisis, using examples from anywhere in the world
  7. Charles Taylor was sentenced to more than 70 years in prison for crimes against humanity. For someone of his age, it is barely impossible for him to serve out even half of his sentence. Discuss why such legal judgments can appear to be a slap on the wrist
  8. Discuss a number of legal amendments that are necessary to ensure that the law enforcement officers can be able to serve the population better
  9. Explain how sanctions on the legal process can hamper or support the growth of democracy
  10. From the perspective of a law student, highlight some of the challenges that you face as a student, which might be difficult to overcome even having graduated