Tips On How To Compose A Strong Introduction For A Dissertation

An introduction is one of the most important parts of a dissertation. It should draw the interest of the reader to the paper and provide them with a basic understanding of the topic researched. If you compose your introduction poorly, some people won’t even try to continue reading your paper. To create an excellent introduction, you should follow the tips below.

How to Write an Introduction

  1. Compose an introductory paragraph.
  2. Give the reader basic information about your field of interest and state what your study is going to accomplish.

  3. Provide the background of the problem.
  4. Briefly write about the history of the issue that you’re going to discuss in your paper. Mention the main findings in the research area.

  5. State the problem.
  6. Point out the gap in the knowledge and indicate why it should be studied. The gap in the knowledge is the main reason to conduct your research.

  7. State the significance of the study.
  8. Indicate how you’ll contribute to the development of your field having found this gap in the knowledge and who will benefit from your study.

  9. List primary research questions.
  10. Inform the reader about the exact questions on which you’re going to give answers in the results chapter of your dissertation.

  11. Describe the methodology.
  12. Briefly write about the methods you’ve used during your research. List the participants of your study, instruments used for collecting data, and procedures that were carried out.

  13. Provide the scope.
  14. Write about the limitations of your study and list the assumptions upon which it was conducted.

  15. Define the key terms.
  16. If a term has several meanings, indicate what exactly you mean using this term in your dissertation to avoid ambiguity.

  17. Provide a roadmap.
  18. You should finish the introductory chapter by making a smooth transition to the body chapters.

Getting Assistance with Writing Your Paper

If you have doubts about your writing skills, you should ask somebody to help you compose your dissertation. To make sure that you take all steps right, regularly visit your professor and consult them. You may also take writing courses in a local academic center to learn advanced writing techniques that will make your text more interesting and readable.

If you don’t have time to compose an excellent paper, you may hire an academic writing company to do this for you. This will cost you money, of course, but, on the other hand, you’ll receive a top-notch paper written exclusively for you meeting all your requirements.